February 19, 2020 Notice

Important Notice: Beware of fraud involving misrepresentation of the firm and impersonation of the firm’s lawyers

We previously issued a notice warning about instances of attempted fraud where people are sent fictitious agreements, procedural documents, and the like relating to supposed inheritance cases that involve misrepresentation of the firm or the firm’s lawyers.  Since we have continued to receive inquiries about similar cases, we would like to again remind you to beware.

This firm is not involved in any of these cases.  Any such documents and the like sent to you may contain wording encouraging you to reply or send money to the sender, and if you respond to such requests there is a risk that you may become a victim of bank transfer fraud or the like, and your personal information may be acquired and misused by the sender.  If you receive any unexpected contact from anybody, please refrain from responding promptly, and adequately verify the identification of that person.

If you wish to ask questions or contact the firm regarding any suspicious contact or the like, please contact us through the Inquiry Form.

Characteristics of suspicious contact cases confirmed to date

  • Contact from foreigners in English
  • Documents sent displaying the name of the firm, but using a letterhead different from that of the firm’s
  • Documents sent with a seal imprint that does not exist at the firm

* Similar methods may be used in the future.  Please take care to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.