Book Article
"Issues in Litigation Seeking an Injunction Against and Compensation for Damages for Unfair Competition Related to a Trade Secret under the Current Code of Civil Procedure and the New Code of Civil Procedure"


    Ryuichi Shitara
Related Practice Areas Intellectual Property and Entertainment Intellectual Property Disputes
Language Japanese
Publisher Seirin Shoin
Date of Publication June 1997
Note Article Published in "The Judicial Practice Series Vol. 27: Laws for Intellectual Property Related Litigations, Edited by Hiroshi Saito and Toshiaki Makino"
Link Seirin Shoin

Intellectual Property and Entertainment:Publications

"Act on the Protection of Personal Information"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (5): Technology to Reject Collection by Crawler"
Magazine Article
"Japan - Cookies & Similar Technologies 2024"
Magazine Transcript
"Panel discussion: AI Guidelines for Business (Part 1) Commentary on AI Guidelines for Business"
"Case Studies: Methods for Proving Claims under General Provisions - A Legal Structure Approach from the Perspectives of Substantive and Procedural Laws"

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Intellectual Property Disputes:Publications

Magazine Article
"Coordinated Management of Non-Obvious Theory and Technical Contribution Theory - Searching for a Third Way of Determining Inventive Step"
"Practice Intellectual Property Law (Patent Law) second edition"
Book Article
"In-Depth: Technology Disputes 3rd Edition"
"The Concept of Technical Prejudice in Patent Law (Collected Papers Commemorating the 70th Birthday of Professor Misao Shimizu: 'The Future of Diversified Intellectual Property Rights Litigation')"
Magazine Article
"IP Case Bulletin: Patent Infringement and the Principle of Geographical Jurisdiction - DWANGO vs FC2 (Patent for Systems)  Case (Appellate Instance), IP High Court Decision Dated May 26, 2023"

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