"Key to M&A - Movement of Restrictions on Business Combination under Antimonopoly Law"


    Akihisa Tamaki
Related Practice Areas Competition/Antitrust Mergers and Acquisitions
Language Japanese
Publication Monthly Corporate Auditor
No. 522
Date of Publication January 2007
Note Column: Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No. 60)


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"Legal Points for Real Estate M&A - Considerations that Real Estate Operators Should be Aware of in Light of Comparisons with Transfers of Real Estate -"
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"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
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"Case Analysis on Advance Notice of Planned Tender Offer (Part 2)"
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"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
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