Practical Guide to Nominating Advisory Committee / Remuneration Advisory Committee

"Practical Guide to Nominating Advisory Committee / Remuneration Advisory Committee"


Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance Corporate Governance - General Shareholder Relations
Language Japanese
Date of Publication October 30, 2016
Note ISBN:9784785724726
First Edition
Link Shojihomu Co., Ltd.

Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
Magazine Other
"Review: Practical Measures Concerning the Handling of Activists"
"Global Legal Insights - Mergers & Acquisitions 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"

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Corporate Governance - General:Publications

"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
"In-Depth: Shareholder Rights and Activism Review Edition 9 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Other
"Review: Practical Measures Concerning the Handling of Activists"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"

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Shareholder Relations:Publications

"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
"In-Depth: Shareholder Rights and Activism Review Edition 9 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Other
"Review: Practical Measures Concerning the Handling of Activists"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Key Points for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in June 2024 based on Recent Trends"
Magazine Transcript
"Things to Keep in Mind for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in 2024 based on Recent Trends"

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Minoru Sawaguchi:Publications

"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
Magazine Article
"Practical Handling of Shareholders Meetings in 2024: Trends Concerning Advisory Policy of Proxy Advisory Firms and Proxy Voting Guidelines for Institutional Investors (Part 2)"
Magazine Article
"Practical Handling of Shareholders Meetings in 2024: Trends Concerning Advisory Policy of Proxy Advisory Firms and Proxy Voting Guidelines for Institutional Investors (Part 1)"
"Corporate Governance of Japan's Top 100 Companies 2024"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"

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Kunihiro Watanabe:Publications

Magazine Article
"Practical Q&A On the Companies Act Part 79: I Frequency of Status Reports on Execution of Duties by an Executive Director, II Possibility of Referring to Annual Securities Reports in Creditor Objection Proceedings for Absorption-Type Mergers After Delisting"
Magazine Article
"Review of First Year of Application of Electronic Provision System and Future Matters for Deliberation"
Magazine Article
"Transitioning to a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee - Key Points to be Considered When Making a Decision on Transition and Points to Note Regarding Their Design and Operation"
Magazine Article
"Operation of Shareholders Meetings in Post-COVID-19 Era - Based on the Revision of Q&A for Shareholders Meetings"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends Regarding Voluntary Nominating Committees and Remuneration Committees (2022)"

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Takahiro Iijima:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
"A Practical Textbook for Effectively Acquiring Startups"
"Legal and Tax Affairs concerning Trading of Unlisted Shares (Inheritance and Business Succession)"
Magazine Article
"The Financial Technology Law Review Sixth Edition - Japan Chapter"
”Comprehensive Analysis of M&A Laws of Japan, 2nd edition”

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Kensuke Sakajiri:Publications

Magazine Article
"Case Analysis on Advance Notice of Planned Tender Offer (Part 2)"
Magazine Article
"Case Analysis on Advance Notice of Planned Tender Offer (Part 1)"
Magazine Article
"Analysis of Tender Agreements and Non-Tender Agreements and Agreements Between an Offeror and a Target Company in Tender Offers for Other Companies' Shares (Part 2)"
Magazine Article
"Analysis of Tender Agreements and Non-Tender Agreements and Agreements Between an Offeror and a Target Company in Tender Offers for Other Companies' Shares (Part 1)"
"Q&A: Detailed Explanation of Legal Practices for Share Delivery"

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