Magazine Article
"Summary of Regulations that Space Business Operators Should Know"


Related Practice Areas Regulatory/Regulated Transactions Automobiles, Aviation and Ships Venture Capital/Start-ups
Language Japanese
Publication Accounting
Vol.72 No.2
Date of Publication February 1, 2020
Link Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.

Regulatory/Regulated Transactions:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Transcript
"[Symposium] Transaction Laws and Regulatory Laws Related to Information Report 5: Issues Concerning Handling of Personal Data in the Finance Sector and Future Challenges"
Magazine Article
"Metaverse Legal Issues and Policy Trends"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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Automobiles, Aviation and Ships:Publications

"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Finance & Leasing Japan 2024"
Magazine Article
"Latest legal trends in Japan on automated vehicles"
"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2024 - Regulations on Drone Flights in Japan"
Magazine Article
"Latest Discussions on Mobility (Autonomous Driving and Ride-sharing)"
"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses (2nd ed.)"

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Venture Capital/Start-ups:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Case Analysis on Advance Notice of Planned Tender Offer (Part 2)"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Practices involved in 'Private Placement with Professional Investors' : A New Financing Method for Startups"
Magazine Article
"Case Analysis on Advance Notice of Planned Tender Offer (Part 1)"

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Daisuke Mosaka:Publications

Magazine Other
"Latest Trends in AI Governance and Development of Rules in Singapore"
"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses (2nd ed.)"
Magazine Transcript
"Introduction to Space Business (Part 5): Launch Business and Rules – Outline of Various Launch Methods and Related Procedures and Regulations"
Magazine Article
"Emergence of Generative AI and Policies Concerning AI Governance in Singapore and Japan - Comparisons with Other Main Territories"
Magazine Article
"Introduction to Space Business (Part.4): Launch Business and Rules – Peculiarities in Launch Contracts and Liability for Accidents"

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