September 7, 2023 Firm News

Opening of New York Office

Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (“MHM”) is pleased to announce the opening of the New York office (Mori Hamada & Matsumoto NY LLP) on September 6, 2023.

Our New York office will be headed by Hideaki Umetsu, who has extensive international experience. He is joined by Aruto Kagami and Nobuhiko Suzuki —partners with proven results in cross-border mandates. Hideaki Umetsu specializes in international trade, crisis management as well as ESG/SDGs. Aruto Kagami specializes in cross-border competition law matters, white collar investigations, crisis management, and disputes. Nobuhiko Suzuki specializes in cross-border M&A and corporate matters.

After many years of advising on cross-border deals and multijurisdictional disputes involving Asia and the Americas, in close association with major law firms in the region, MHM has now chosen New York — the center of global commerce and an important bridge between these regions — as the firm’s first location outside Asia.  The United States and broader region continue to be an important market for our clients, and therefore an important market for MHM.  Through the New York office, MHM intends to further bolster our relationships with peer firms and clients, while also enhancing our ability to meet the diverse needs of cross-border legal services spanning these regions.


Please send any inquiry about this announcement to:
Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, Public Relations
Tel: +81-3-6212-8330