
Comments by Hideaki Umetsu were published in Nikkei Asia in an article titled "Citigroup to offer banking services to Japan's midsize firms"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (9): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Shintaro Okawa appears on a "World Business Satellite (WBS)" special feature titled "Rising Risk Due to Strengthened Economic Security - How to Prevent Companies Becoming Involved" broadcasted by TV TOKYO
Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (8): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (7): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (6): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (5): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (4): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (3): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (2): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (1): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Comments by Norihito Sato are published on a local economy page of the Nikkei in an article titled "Kubota to Launch Unmanned Combines - Successful Alliance with NVIDIA to Ensure Safety Using AI Cameras"
Interview of Yusuke Takamiya was published in the Asia Law Portal in an article titled "Exploring cutting edge legal issues from Japan to the world"
Abadi Abi Tisnadisastra and Tetsu Takeuchi appeared in an article of Nikkei Asia 16-22 Jan issue titled "Japan's MHM teams up with ATD Law in Indonesia from 1 January 2023"
Comments by Shintaro Okawa are published on page 15 of the Nikkei and in the Nikkei Online edition in an article titled "How Laws and Rules Will Change in 2023"
Comments by Shintaro Okawa are published on page 15 of the Nikkei and in the Nikkei Online edition in an article titled "Use of Internal and External Legal Professionals: Companies with Strong Legal Expertise- Mitsubishi Corporation Continues to Top the L
Shintaro Okawa cooperates in an interview for a NewsPicks article titled "Special Issue: Whether the Economic Sanctions Can Stop Putin"
Proceedings of a seminar where Shintaro Okawa gave a speech are published in The Asahi Shimbun Digital and on page 2 of The Asahi Shimbun
Comments by Shintaro Okawa are featured in a Reuters article titled "Perspective: Forgo Security Clearances and Prioritize Establishment of the Economic Security Act - Becoming a Focal Point After the Election of the House of Councilors"
Comments by Shintaro Okawa are published in NewsPicks in an article titled "Q&A: Learn with a Lawyer - Economic Security in Connection with Business"