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Enterprise Value Mortgage to be Introduced by New Legislation (English) DownloadPDF
ESG Initiatives in Data Center Investments ~The Challenge of Green Data Centers, in Light of New Trends in the Development of Renewable Energy Power Sources~ (English) DownloadPDF
Reform of the Article 63 Exemption under the FIEL – from a real estate fund practice perspective (English) DownloadPDF
Proposed Reform of the Article 63 Exemption under the FIEL from a real estate fund perspective (English) DownloadPDF
The Interim Draft on Proposed Amendments to the Civil Code (Law of Obligations) (English) DownloadPDF
Towards J-REITs’ Acquisition of Overseas Real Property (English) DownloadPDF
Revised Bill for the Amendment of the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Law (English) DownloadPDF
Proposed Reform of the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Law - "GK-TK Structure" with a GK owning a real property in fee (English) DownloadPDF
Current Issues on the Amendment of the Civil Code (Law of Obligations) (English) DownloadPDF
Enforcement of Security Interests in Real Estate Finance Transactions in Japan (English) DownloadPDF