International Trade

By utilizing our accumulated expertise and global network, we advise clients on various issues of trade law, including the WTO Agreement, free trade agreements (FTAs), economic partnership agreements (EPAs), and investment treaties and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), as well as trade remedies, export controls and economic sanctions, and foreign direct investment (FDI).

We have one of the leading international trade law practices among Japan-based full-service law firms. We have assisted a number of corporations and government agencies on a broad range of international trade law issues, such as the WTO Agreement and WTO dispute settlement, FTAs and EPAs (e.g. TPP, EU-Japan EPA, and RCEP), investment treaties and ISDS, trade remedies, export controls and economic sanctions, and FDI.

We are experienced in providing legal support to foreign corporations in tackling potential trade barriers and trade-related regulations by utilizing our expertise in trade law and other relevant areas of legal practice. We also assist clients in negotiating with government agencies on trade-related regulatory issues and in the context of trade remedy investigations. In recent years, we have been dealing with a large number of cases related to export controls, economic security and sanctions, and trade-related human rights measures.

With our expertise and experience in the field, and our strong network with government agencies and professionals in other areas and jurisdictions, we are able to provide effective and efficient support to clients on a wide variety of international trade law issues.

WTO Agreement, FTAs, and EPAs

We provide legal support on international trade law issues arising from foreign business conducted in Japan and overseas business expansion by Japanese corporations. Our expertise covers the WTO Agreement and WTO dispute settlement, and FTAs and EPAs (e.g. TPP, EU-Japan EPA, UK-Japan EPA, and RCEP). We also support clients in negotiating with Japanese and foreign governments.

Our services include:

  • Providing legal analysis of trade- and investment-related measures of Japanese and foreign governments from the perspectives of the WTO Agreement, FTAs, and EPAs
  • Providing support for negotiations with government agencies
  • Providing legal advice on customs duties, rules of origin, government procurement, and WTO dispute settlement

Investment Treaties/ISDS

An investment treaty is an international legal agreement establishing the terms and conditions for private investment by nationals of one state in another state. Typical protections provided thereunder include national treatment (NT), most-favored nation (MFN) treatment, fair and equitable treatment, and protection against expropriation, as well as a framework for investors to initiate ISDS procedures against the government of a host state. Our lawyers have expertise in investment treaties and ISDS and provide legal support to clients on measures affecting investors and investment.

Our services include:

  • Providing legal advice on investment treaties
  • Providing legal support in ISDS procedures, including investor-state arbitration

Anti-Dumping/Trade Remedies

We provide support on anti-dumping (AD), countervailing duties (CVDs), and safeguard (SG) investigations by Japanese and foreign governments. We also assist clients in filing applications to impose AD duties and CVDs on low-priced imports from other countries.

Our services include:

  • Providing support on AD, CVDs, and safeguard investigations by Japanese and foreign governments
  • Providing support for filing applications to investigate AD or CVDs
  • Supporting negotiations with government agencies concerning the above

Export Controls and Economic Sanctions

We offer legal support on export controls under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (FEFTA), as well as on export controls and economic sanctions of other countries, including under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and China’s Export Control Act, in collaboration with professionals from other jurisdictions.

Our services include:

  • Providing legal advice on Japanese export controls (the “list” and “catch-all” regulations) under the FEFTA
  • Providing support in connection with U.S. regulations, such as EAR and the National Defense Authorization Act
  • Providing support in connection with China’s Export Control Act and Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law
  • Advising on economic sanctions and trade-related human rights issues


In recent years, many countries have implemented stricter rules of FDI out of growing economic security concerns. We provide legal advice on FDI regulations under the FEFTA and other relevant laws of Japan. We also assist clients in addressing investment regulations in other jurisdictions by utilizing our network with overseas professionals.

Our services include:

  • Providing legal advice on FDI regulations under the FEFTA and other relevant laws of Japan
  • Assisting clients in addressing investment regulations in other jurisdictions

International Trade:People

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International Trade:Newsletters

The Screening System for Essential Infrastructure Facilities begins under The Economic Security Promotion Act of Japan: Key Practice Points for Potentially Affected Businesses
A Lookback on Foreign Investment Regulations in Japan in 2023
A Lookback on Foreign Investment Regulations in Japan in 2023
Japan Places New Restrictions on Exports of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
A Lookback on Foreign Investment Regulations in Japan in 2022

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International Trade:News

Top rankings received from Chambers Global 2024
Top rankings received from Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024
MHM lawyers selected in "Who’s Who Legal: Japan 2023"
Interview of Yusuke Takamiya was published in the Asia Law Portal in an article titled "Exploring cutting edge legal issues from Japan to the world"
Top rankings received from Chambers Global 2023

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International Trade:Seminars

Apr. 27, 2024External Seminars
"【Concurrent Committee Sessions 7】Cross-Border Investment:Green Horizons"
Apr. 28, 2023MHM Open Seminars
(Live-Streaming Webinar in English) “MHM Seminar: Expansion of designated businesses in Japanese FDI regulations and the latest trend of FDI screening inviting METI Officials”
Feb. 24, 2023External Seminars
"Legal and policy issues in the use of economic sanctions"
Oct. 27, 2022External Seminars
"Brief Introduction of Japan Import and Export Process and Practice"
Sep. 6, 2022External Seminars
"The updates of Economic Security Promotion Act and the coming policies for Economic Security"

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International Trade:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview and Key Points of the Revisions to the Anti-Espionage Law in China"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 5): Cybersecurity x Economic Security - Focusing on Infrastructure Protection and Security Clearance"
Magazine Article
"Legal Commentary: Latest Trends in Regulations and Industry Support by Major Countries Concerning Semiconductors"
Magazine Article
"Introduction to Inbound Practices - Practices Related to Foreign Investment Regulations under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.262): Recent Developments in U.S. Restrictions on Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China and Impact on Japanese Corporations"

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