"The Deregulation of the 'Unit of Contribution'"


Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance Finance
Language Japanese
Publication Hogaku Seminar
No. 563
Date of Publication November 2001

Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance (Second Series) - From the Perspective of the Founding Family, Listed Family Business, M&A and Investments"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance - with Family Business Succession in Mind"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Family Governance"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Key Points for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in June 2024 based on Recent Trends"

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"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Lending & Secured Finance Laws and Regulations 2024 - Indonesia Chapter"
"The Financial Technology Law Review Edition 7 - Japan"
Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"
Magazine Article
"Agreements and Covenants Between Companies and Shareholders: Practical Notes Regarding Revisions to the Mandatory Disclosure of 'Material Agreements'"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 4): Cybersecurity x Disclosure - Information Disclosure Related to Cybersecurity Focusing on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act"

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Shuya Nomura:Publications

"Introduction to Legal Thinking for Those Who Want to be More Persuasive"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Round-Table Talk Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Foundation: Corporate Legal Practice in an Era of Change - Summary and Grand Design (1)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Compliance in an Era of Change"
Magazine Article
"Decision of the First Petty Bench of the Supreme Court (July 9, 2009) on Internal Control Systems"

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