Magazine Article
"Preliminary Report - Disclosure of Corporate Governance Reports that Comply with the Amended Corporate Governance Code"


Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance
Language Japanese
Publication File Version/Shojihomu
Date of Publication July 2018
Link Shojihomu CO.,LTD.

Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance (Second Series) - From the Perspective of the Founding Family, Listed Family Business, M&A and Investments"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance - with Family Business Succession in Mind"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Family Governance"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Key Points for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in June 2024 based on Recent Trends"

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Minoru Sawaguchi:Publications

Magazine Article
"Practical Handling of Shareholders Meetings in 2024: Trends Concerning Advisory Policy of Proxy Advisory Firms and Proxy Voting Guidelines for Institutional Investors (Part 2)"
Magazine Article
"Practical Handling of Shareholders Meetings in 2024: Trends Concerning Advisory Policy of Proxy Advisory Firms and Proxy Voting Guidelines for Institutional Investors (Part 1)"
"Corporate Governance of Japan's Top 100 Companies 2024"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Governance and the Executive Officer System"

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Takahiro Iijima:Publications

"A Practical Textbook for Effectively Acquiring Startups"
"Legal and Tax Affairs concerning Trading of Unlisted Shares (Inheritance and Business Succession)"
Magazine Article
"The Financial Technology Law Review Sixth Edition - Japan Chapter"
”Comprehensive Analysis of M&A Laws of Japan, 2nd edition”
Book Article
"Legal and Tax Affairs in Business Successions and M&As for Family Businesses – Second edition"

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Naoki Shiraiwa:Publications

Magazine Article
"Current Status and Significance of Digital Utilization Concerning Shareholders' Meetings"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier: Trends in ESG Activism - Focusing on Matters Related to Global Warming"
Magazine Article
"Practical Examples of Virtual Shareholders Meetings (2022 Edition): Lifting of Ban on Virtual-Only Shareholders Meetings and Recent Practice Trends"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Virtual-Only Shareholders Meetings in Accordance with the Amendment of the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness"
Magazine Article
"Systems for Shareholders Meetings Without Designated Locations (Virtual-Only Shareholders Meetings) Pursuant to the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness"

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Kazuki Katayama:Publications

"Legal and Tax Affairs concerning Family Governance for the Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts within the Family"
Magazine Article
"Analysis of Examples of Corporate Governance Reports that Comply with the Corporate Governance Code (2019 Edition)"
Magazine Article
"Analysis of Corporate Governance Reports: Disclosure under the CG Code in 2019 Season - Fundamental Principles 2"
Book Article
"Analysis of Corporate Governance Reports: Disclosure Under the Revised CG Code - Compliance and Explanation"
Magazine Article
"Analysis of Examples of Corporate Governance Reports that Comply with the Corporate Governance Code (2018 Edition) "

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