Book Article
"Telecommunications Service Agreements"


Related Practice Areas Information Technology Telecommunication/Radio wave
Language Japanese
Date of Publication July 1, 2019
Note Article published in "Lecture on Modern Contract Law: Detailed Discussion Part 3".

Information Technology:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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Telecommunication/Radio wave:Publications

Magazine Article
"Propriety of Demanding Disclosure of Telephone Numbers After Revisions to the Ministerial Order under which Telephone Numbers are Additionally Specified as Information Subject to Demands for Disclosure of Senders’ Identification Information in Relation to Posts on Online Bulletin Boards Made Before the Revisions to the Ministerial Order (Decision of Second Petty Bench of Supreme Court on January 1, 2023)"
Magazine Article
"Q&A: Corporate Legal Affairs - Actions Required Under the Revised Telecommunications Business Act Enforced in June 2023"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends in, and Practical Measures for Compliance with, Regulations Concerning Cookies, etc. in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Economic Security Trends up to 2022 and Outlook for 2023 and Beyond (2)"
"What does Japan's External Data Transmission Rule mean?"

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Tsunemichi Yokoyama:Publications

Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 7): Cybersecurity x System Development - Relationships with System Vendors as Seen in Judicial Precedents"
Magazine Article
"History of Corporate Legal Affairs and Business Related Legislation from January 1989 to April 2019 (the Heisei Era) - System Development Disputes and Future Issues"
Magazine Article
"Data Utilization and Consideration of Data Subjects"
Magazine Article
"Satellite Remote Sensing Business and Information Act"
Magazine Article
"Vendor Project Management Obligations in Court Precedents (Part 1)"

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