"Japan updates enforcement rules for amended APPI"


Information Technology, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property:Publications

"Act on the Protection of Personal Information"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (5): Technology to Reject Collection by Crawler"
Magazine Article
"Japan - Cookies & Similar Technologies 2024"
Magazine Article
"Data protection regulations in Europe and the U.S. for digital marketing - Compliance with GDPR / ePrivacy Directive, and CCPA"
Magazine Transcript
"Panel discussion: AI Guidelines for Business (Part 1) Commentary on AI Guidelines for Business"

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Data Protection and Privacy:Publications

"Act on the Protection of Personal Information"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (5): Technology to Reject Collection by Crawler"
Magazine Article
"Japan - Cookies & Similar Technologies 2024"
"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection Laws and Regulations 2024 - Indonesia Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (21): Generative AI and Protection of Personal Information Regulations”

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Hiroyuki Tanaka:Publications

Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (21): Generative AI and Protection of Personal Information Regulations”
Magazine Article
"Data protection regulations in Europe and the U.S. for digital marketing - Compliance with GDPR / ePrivacy Directive, and CCPA"
”Japan's DPA publishes interim summary of amendments to data protection regulations”
"Generative AI and Intellectual Property / Personal Information Q&A"
Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (20): Whistleblowing Systems"

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