Magazine Article
"International Legislative Trends in 'Business and Human Rights' - Analysis and Outlook of Various Legislative Approaches"


Related Practice Areas Crisis Management Business and Human Rights Sustainability
Language Japanese
Publication Monthly Keidanren
May 2022
Date of Publication May 1, 2022
Link Keidanren

Crisis Management:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
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"Key Points of the Revision of the Political Funds Control Act - Disclosure of Income and Expenditures of Political Funds and Liabilities of Diet Members"
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"Impact of the EU 'Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence' on Corporate Activities and Society"
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"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 9): Cybersecurity and Crisis Management - Focusing on External Cyberattacks"
”Japan's DPA publishes interim summary of amendments to data protection regulations”

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Business and Human Rights:Publications

Magazine Article
"Impact of the EU 'Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence' on Corporate Activities and Society"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Environmental Due Diligence in Japan"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"
"Business and Human Rights - From Basics to Actual Practice"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends in "Business and Human Rights" - with an Explanation of Materials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry"

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Magazine Article
"Impact of the EU 'Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence' on Corporate Activities and Society"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Environmental Due Diligence in Japan"
Magazine Transcript
"Preparation for Second Year Sustainability Disclosures in Securities Reports - Analyzing 'The Reference Casebook of Good Practices' Published by the Financial Services Agency on March 8, 2024 (Web Course)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Special Feature 1: Issues Concerning Disclosure by Companies - The Present of Disclosure of Sustainability Information [Round-Table Talk] Practice and Current Status, and Future Outlook of Disclosure of Sustainability"
Magazine Article
"Visualizing Financial Value with J-Credits: The Role of Environmental Measures and Corporate Activities in the Food and Agriculture Sector"

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Hideaki Umetsu:Publications

Magazine Panel Discussion
"Environmental Due Diligence in Japan"
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 5): Cybersecurity x Economic Security - Focusing on Infrastructure Protection and Security Clearance"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
Magazine Article
"Strengthening and Expansion of Penalties with Respect to Bribery of Foreign Public Officials"

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