Magazine Article
"Corporate Impact of Introduction of Tougher Penalties for Online Insults and Revision of the Sender Information Disclosure System - Focusing on Countermeasures Against Slander and Defamation on the Internet"


Related Practice Areas Crisis Management
Language Japanese
Publication Accounting & Auditing Journal
Vol.34 No.10
Date of Publication October 1, 2022
Link Dai-ichi Hoki Co. Ltd.

Crisis Management:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
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"Key Points of the Revision of the Political Funds Control Act - Disclosure of Income and Expenditures of Political Funds and Liabilities of Diet Members"
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"Impact of the EU 'Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence' on Corporate Activities and Society"
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"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 9): Cybersecurity and Crisis Management - Focusing on External Cyberattacks"
”Japan's DPA publishes interim summary of amendments to data protection regulations”

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Kazuhito Imaizumi:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
Magazine Article
"Key Points of the Revision of the Political Funds Control Act - Disclosure of Income and Expenditures of Political Funds and Liabilities of Diet Members"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 9): Cybersecurity and Crisis Management - Focusing on External Cyberattacks"
Magazine Article
"Approaches for Handling Employee Improprieties with an Eye Toward Pursuing Liability (Vol. 3): Improper Posts by Employees"
Magazine Article
"Whether a Company is a Victim or a Suspect - Handling and Preventive Measures under Criminal Law in Business Secret Infringement Cases"

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