”Practical Issues of the Companies Act New Series 8: Corporate Accounting (3rd ed.)”


Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance Corporate Governance - General Regulatory/Regulated Transactions Financial Regulation
Language Japanese
Date of Publication November 11, 2022
Note Price:¥3,960(tax included)
Number of pages:348
Link Chuokeizai-sha Holdings, Inc.
Other The first revised edition in seven years. The authors explain about the Ordinance on Company Accounting and accounting knowledge plainly.  In the third edition, the descriptions and formats are updated based on revisions of laws and regulations, application of accounting standards, and the revision of the Keidanren formats.

Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
Magazine Other
"Review: Practical Measures Concerning the Handling of Activists"
"Global Legal Insights - Mergers & Acquisitions 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"

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Corporate Governance - General:Publications

"Meeting Bodies and their Status in the Companies Act - Practical Matters Concerning Shareholder's Meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings in a Period of Reform"
"In-Depth: Shareholder Rights and Activism Review Edition 9 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Other
"Review: Practical Measures Concerning the Handling of Activists"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"

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Regulatory/Regulated Transactions:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Transcript
"[Symposium] Transaction Laws and Regulatory Laws Related to Information Report 5: Issues Concerning Handling of Personal Data in the Finance Sector and Future Challenges"
Magazine Article
"Metaverse Legal Issues and Policy Trends"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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Financial Regulation:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Practices involved in 'Private Placement with Professional Investors' : A New Financing Method for Startups"
Magazine Transcript
"[Symposium] Transaction Laws and Regulatory Laws Related to Information Report 5: Issues Concerning Handling of Personal Data in the Finance Sector and Future Challenges"
Magazine Article
"Metaverse Legal Issues and Policy Trends"

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Kazuhiro Kanamaru:Publications

Book Article
"Lectures on Current Tax Law (Vol. 4): International Taxation"
Book Article
"Practice and Theory of Joint Venture Contract"
Magazine Article
"Significance of Assignment (2) - Distribution of Property"
"A Systematic Look at the Issues: The Companies Act (Supplementary Volume)"
"Practical Issues of the Companies Act New Series 8: Corporate Accounting (2nd ed.)"

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Yasuhiko Fujitsu:Publications

"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (2): False Statements, Etc. in Non-financial Information"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (1): Significance of False Statements in Important Matters"
Magazine Article
"Legal Liability in Connection with Dividends, Etc. Exceeding the Distributable Amount"
"Getting the Deal Through - Real Estate Investment Trusts 2023 - Japan Chapter"

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Yumi Kanamaru:Publications

Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (5; Final): Identification of Shares Subject to Claims for Damages and the Starting Point for Calculating Damages for Delay"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (2): False Statements, Etc. in Non-financial Information"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (1): Significance of False Statements in Important Matters"
”Comprehensive Analysis of M&A Laws of Japan, 2nd edition”
Book Other
"Measures for Preventing Recurrence of Fraud and Misconduct"

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