"Legal and Tax Affairs for Limited Liability Companies"


    Yoshihiko Abe
Related Practice Areas Venture Capital/Start-ups Corporate Governance - General Tax Planning Wealth Management
Language Japanese
Date of Publication May 18, 2023
Note Price:¥3,080(tax included)Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.
Number of pages:232
Link Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.

Venture Capital/Start-ups:Publications

"Lexology Panoramic: Fund Management 2024 - Japan Chapter"
"Chambers Global Practice Guides Corporate M&A 2024 - Japan Chapter"
"The Financial Technology Law Review Edition 7 - Japan"
"Legal and Tax Affairs concerning Trading of Unlisted Shares (Financing for Start-ups)"
Magazine Article
"Co-creation with University-Based Start-Ups"

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Corporate Governance - General:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Key Points for Disclosure of 'Material Agreements' Based on Revisions to the Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure"
Magazine Article
"M&A and Shareholder Activism"

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Tax Planning:Publications

Magazine Article
"Tax Treatment of Alternatives to Trust-Type Stock Options"
"Chambers Global Practice Guides Private Wealth 2023 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Tax Systems for Share Delivery to Avoid Hindering M&A in Exchange for Shares"
Magazine Article
"Swiss Individual Taxation and Tax Issues when Relocating to Switzerland"
Magazine Article
"Applicability of the Six General Provisions for Valuation of Unlisted Shares Based on the 2023 Supreme Court Decision (Based on the Case of Chuoh Publishing Holdings)"

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Wealth Management:Publications

"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Finance & Leasing Japan 2024"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance (Second Series) - From the Perspective of the Founding Family, Listed Family Business, M&A and Investments"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance - with Family Business Succession in Mind"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Family Governance"
"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Private Client 2024 - Japan Chapter"

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