Magazine Article
"Special Feature: Issues Related to Economic Security (1) Investment Management System under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act - Issues Concerning the Current System and Examination of Legislative Measures"


Related Practice Areas Regulatory/Regulated Transactions Infrastructure/Public Private Partnership Electricity/Gas Intellectual Property and Entertainment Cybersecurity International Trade
Language Japanese
Publication CISTEC Journal
September 2023
Date of Publication September 25, 2023
Link Center for Information on Security Trade Control


Regulatory/Regulated Transactions:Publications

Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"
Magazine Article
"Key Points for Disclosure of 'Material Agreements' Based on Revisions to the Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure"
"The Financial Technology Law Review Edition 7 - Japan"
"The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations Japan 2024- Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"

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Infrastructure/Public Private Partnership:Publications

Magazine Article
"Introduction to Inbound Practices - Practices Related to Foreign Investment Regulations under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.262): Recent Developments in U.S. Restrictions on Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China and Impact on Japanese Corporations"
"Legal Affairs and Practices Involving Environmental Value Transactions"
Magazine Article
"Outline and Future Developments of Outward Direct Investment Regulations in Japan and the U.S."
"Evolving PFI: Implications from Japan’s Quarter-Century of Experience and the UK National Audit Office Report"

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Magazine Article
"Current Status and Future Outlook of the Carbon Credit Market"
Magazine Article
"Introduction to Inbound Practices - Practices Related to Foreign Investment Regulations under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.262): Recent Developments in U.S. Restrictions on Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China and Impact on Japanese Corporations"
"Legal Affairs and Practices Involving Environmental Value Transactions"
Magazine Article
"Outline and Future Developments of Outward Direct Investment Regulations in Japan and the U.S."

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Intellectual Property and Entertainment:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (5): Developers (2)"

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Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"Approaches for Handling Employee Improprieties with an Eye Toward Pursuing Liability (Final): Non-Work-Related Criminal Acts"

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International Trade:Publications

Magazine Article
"Overview and Key Points of the Revisions to the Anti-Espionage Law in China"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 5): Cybersecurity x Economic Security - Focusing on Infrastructure Protection and Security Clearance"
Magazine Article
"Legal Commentary: Latest Trends in Regulations and Industry Support by Major Countries Concerning Semiconductors"
Magazine Article
"Introduction to Inbound Practices - Practices Related to Foreign Investment Regulations under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.262): Recent Developments in U.S. Restrictions on Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China and Impact on Japanese Corporations"

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Shintaro Okawa:Publications

Magazine Article
"Introduction to Inbound Practices - Practices Related to Foreign Investment Regulations under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.262): Recent Developments in U.S. Restrictions on Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China and Impact on Japanese Corporations"
Magazine Article
"Outline and Future Developments of Outward Direct Investment Regulations in Japan and the U.S."
Magazine Article
"Special Feature: Trends in Counter Legislation Between America and China, Etc. (1) Status of International Examination and Issues Concerning Countermeasures Against 'Economic Coercion'"
Magazine Article
"The Rapidly Changing Legal Environment in the Semiconductor Sector: Carrot Approach (Subsidies) and Stick Approach (Export Controls)"

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