Magazine Article
"Special Feature: Trends in GDPR: Enforcement Status of GDPR and Status of EDPB Activities - Five Years After Enforcement of GDPR"


Information Technology, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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Intellectual Property and Entertainment:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (5): Developers (2)"

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Data Protection and Privacy:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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International Practice:Publications

"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Finance & Leasing Japan 2024"
"Impact of Amendment of the Company Law of China on Foreign Affiliated Companies – Focusing on Corporate Governance"
Magazine Article
"Recent Developments in Chinese Law (279): Provisions on Promotion and Normalization of Cross-Border Flow of Data"
Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (18): Privacy Impact Assessment and Data Protection Impact Assessment"
"FIDIC around the world (Japan)"

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Europe Practice:Publications

Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (18): Privacy Impact Assessment and Data Protection Impact Assessment"
Magazine Article
"Essential Information on Global Personal Information Regulations, in the Form of Dialogue (17): Regulations on Cookies in Various Countries (2) - Europe"
"Legal Issues in AI Profiling - Personal Information and Privacy in the AI Era -"
"Introduction to Generative AI Law"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Panel Discussion Legal and Ethical Issues Related to ChatGPT and Generative AI"

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Atsushi Okada:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (5): Developers (2)"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (2): EU AI Act"

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