Magazine Article
"Visualizing Financial Value with J-Credits: The Role of Environmental Measures and Corporate Activities in the Food and Agriculture Sector"


Related Practice Areas Environment and Climate Change Sustainability Food / Agriculture / Biotechnology
Language Japanese
Publication Junkan Keirijouhou
Date of Publication May 1, 2024
Link Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.

Environment and Climate Change:Publications

Magazine Article
"The Legal 500: Environment Comparative Guide (the 5th Edition) – Japan Chapter"
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"Current Status and Future Outlook of the Carbon Credit Market"
"Legal Affairs and Practices Involving Environmental Value Transactions"
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"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.260): Legal Affairs Concerning Environmental Value Trading for the Purpose of Realize Carbon Neutrality"
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"Characteristics of the Green Guidelines and Considerations from a Practical Perspective"

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Magazine Transcript
"Preparation for Second Year Sustainability Disclosures in Securities Reports - Analyzing 'The Reference Casebook of Good Practices' Published by the Financial Services Agency on March 8, 2024 (Web Course)"
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"Special Feature 1: Issues Concerning Disclosure by Companies - The Present of Disclosure of Sustainability Information [Round-Table Talk] Practice and Current Status, and Future Outlook of Disclosure of Sustainability"
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Tetsuya Tamura:Publications

"The Theory and Practice of Equity Finance [3rd ed.]"
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"Liability of Lead Managing Underwriter for False Statements in Securities Registration Statement."
"Global Legal Insights - Initial Public Offerings 2020 - Japan Chapter"
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"Stock Option Allocation Agreement"
"M&A Strategies from both a Tax and Legal Perspective - Second edition"

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