Magazine Other
"Legal Practice Points to Note Associated with the Introduction of Regulations on Stealth Marketing"


Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance
Language Japanese
Publication Accounting
Vol.76 No.3
Date of Publication February 2, 2024
Link Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.

Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance (Second Series) - From the Perspective of the Founding Family, Listed Family Business, M&A and Investments"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance - with Family Business Succession in Mind"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Family Governance"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Key Points for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in June 2024 based on Recent Trends"

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Yusuke Takamiya:Publications

Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 6): Cybersecurity x Antitrust and Competition Laws - Matters to be Considered under Antitrust and Competition Laws in Efforts to Improve Cybersecurity"
Magazine Article
"Outline of Global Seminar (Tokyo) by Antitrust Law Section of American Bar Association"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs Frontier (No.263): Outline of Newly Introduced Regulations on Stealth Marketing and their Impact on Marketing"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
"In-Depth: Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Edition 12"

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