"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2024 - Regulations on Drone Flights in Japan"


Related Practice Areas Regulatory/Regulated Transactions Automobiles, Aviation and Ships Information Technology, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property
Language English
Publication International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2024
12th Edition
Date of Publication April 2, 2024
Link Global Legal Group
PDF International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2024 - Regulations on Drone Flights in Japan

Regulatory/Regulated Transactions:Publications

Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"
Magazine Article
"Key Points for Disclosure of 'Material Agreements' Based on Revisions to the Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure"
"The Financial Technology Law Review Edition 7 - Japan"
"The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations Japan 2024- Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"

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Automobiles, Aviation and Ships:Publications

"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Finance & Leasing Japan 2024"
Magazine Article
"Latest legal trends in Japan on automated vehicles"
Magazine Article
"Latest Discussions on Mobility (Autonomous Driving and Ride-sharing)"
"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses (2nd ed.)"
Magazine Transcript
"Introduction to Space Business (Part 5): Launch Business and Rules – Outline of Various Launch Methods and Related Procedures and Regulations"

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Information Technology, Life Sciences and Intellectual Property:Publications

Magazine Article
"AI Governance Consultation (Final Chapter): AI Governance - Concluding Episode"
Magazine Article
"Publication of 'AI Guidelines for Business Ver 1.0' and 'General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan'"
Magazine Article
"Recent Policy Trends in Generative AI in Japan, the US, and Europe"
Magazine Article
"Series: Technology x Copyright - Keywords for Promoting a Better Understanding (3): Digital Watermark"
Magazine Article
"Contracts Created with Generative AI and Consumer Protection"

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Koji Toshima:Publications

"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses (2nd ed.)"
Magazine Article
"Robotics Legal Consultation (99): Status of AI Regulations in the U.S."
"The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2023 - Regulations on Drone Flights in Japan"
”Comprehensive Analysis of M&A Laws of Japan, 2nd edition”
Magazine Article
"Robotics Legal Consultation (89): The Details of the EU AI Liability Directive"

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Hiromi Hayashi:Publications

"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media & Internet 2024 - Japan Chapter"
"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses (2nd ed.)"
"Getting the Deal Through - Drone Regulation 2024 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"International Aviation Finance & Leasing Review 2023/24"
"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection 2023 - Japan Chapter"

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Tetsuji Odan:Publications

"In-Depth: Space Law (5th Edition) - Japan Chapter"
"M&A Rules in Emerging Asian Countries - Fourth edition"
Magazine Article
"International Aviation Finance & Leasing Review 2023/24"
"The Intellectual Property and Antitrust Review 8th Edition - Japan Chapter"
”The Space Law Review Edition 4 – Japan Chapter”

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