"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2024 - Japan Chapter"


Corporate Governance:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance (Second Series) - From the Perspective of the Founding Family, Listed Family Business, M&A and Investments"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Significance of Family Governance - with Family Business Succession in Mind"
Magazine Article
"Overview of Family Governance"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Key Points for Holding Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings in June 2024 based on Recent Trends"

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Corporate Governance - General:Publications

Magazine Article
"Recent Trends and Practices in Legal Affairs for Stock Compensation (Notification Requirements for RS, Insider Trading Regulations, etc.)"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"
Magazine Article
"Key Points for Disclosure of 'Material Agreements' Based on Revisions to the Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure"
Magazine Article
"M&A and Shareholder Activism"
Magazine Article
"Have You Taken All Possible Measures to Respond to the Amended Act? Key Points for Reviewing Your Whistleblowing System and its Operation"

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Disputes/Dispute Resolution:Publications

Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 7): Cybersecurity x System Development - Relationships with System Vendors as Seen in Judicial Precedents"
"FIDIC around the world (Japan)"
"The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations Japan 2024- Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (5; Final): Identification of Shares Subject to Claims for Damages and the Starting Point for Calculating Damages for Delay"

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Financial Services Disputes:Publications

Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (5; Final): Identification of Shares Subject to Claims for Damages and the Starting Point for Calculating Damages for Delay"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (2): False Statements, Etc. in Non-financial Information"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (1): Significance of False Statements in Important Matters"
"Cryptoassets Law (2nd ed.)"

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Crisis Management:Publications

Magazine Article
"Approaches for Handling Employee Improprieties with an Eye Toward Pursuing Liability (Final): Non-Work-Related Criminal Acts"
"Practical Manual for Responding to Product Accidents and Corporate Scandals - From Preventive Measures and Initial Responses to Restoring Reliability Based on Actual Case Samples"
Magazine Article
"Measures Against Taking out and Bringing in Trade Secrets"
"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"
"Business and Human Rights - From Basics to Actual Practice"

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Yasuhiko Fujitsu:Publications

Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (2): False Statements, Etc. in Non-financial Information"
Magazine Article
"Legal Issues in Recent Securities Litigation (1): Significance of False Statements in Important Matters"
Magazine Article
"Legal Liability in Connection with Dividends, Etc. Exceeding the Distributable Amount"
"Getting the Deal Through - Real Estate Investment Trusts 2023 - Japan Chapter"
Magazine Article
"Amendment to the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and Current Status of Compliance with Respect to Bribery of Foreign Public Officials"

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Hideaki Umetsu:Publications

Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 5): Cybersecurity x Economic Security - Focusing on Infrastructure Protection and Security Clearance"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
Magazine Article
"Strengthening and Expansion of Penalties with Respect to Bribery of Foreign Public Officials"
Magazine Panel Discussion
"Special Dialogue: What Financial Institutions Should Prepare Before the Commencement of Operation of the Economic Security (Pillar II) System"
Magazine Article
"Insight into Financial and Business Matters: Human Rights Initiatives Spreading from Upstream to Downstream in Supply Chains"

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Suguru Miyata:Publications

"Compliance for Bank Clerks [Expanded 14th ed.]"
"Compliance for Managers [Expanded 15th ed.]"
Magazine Article
"Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Laws (Vol. 4): Cybersecurity x Disclosure - Information Disclosure Related to Cybersecurity Focusing on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act"
"Legal Issues and Corporate Governance on Sustainability"
Magazine Article
"Legal Commentary: How to Handle Procedures such as Preparation of Applications - Practical Issues Regarding Application for Extending the Due Date for Submission of Annual Securities Reports, Etc."

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Aritsune Miyoda:Publications

"In-Depth: Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Edition 12"
Magazine Article
"New Developments in Global Governance - Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic"
"M&A Rules in Emerging Asian Countries - Fourth edition"
Magazine Article
"Practice Guides Japan M&A Third edition - Corporate Governance Issues around M&A in Japan"
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2023 - Japan Chapter"

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Chihiro Tsukada:Publications

"Examination of M&A, Noting the Risk of Human Rights Violations - Keeping Up with the Recent Rise in Societal Demands"
"Business and Human Rights - From Basics to Actual Practice"
Magazine Article
"Recent Trends in "Business and Human Rights" - with an Explanation of Materials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry"
Magazine Article
"Outline of the "Reference Material on Practical Approaches for Business Enterprises to Respect Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains""
"Getting the Deal Through - Risk & Compliance Management 2023 - Japan Chapter"

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