External SeminarsPast
Daini Tokyo Bar Association: Basic General Training, "Overview of Japanese Plea Bargaining and Practical Issues for Lawyer" (only for members)

Seminar Outline

Date/Time June 5, 2019 (Wed)  6:00pm-8:00pm
Speakers Hiroshi Yamauchi Shintaro Okawa
Place Tokyo Bar Association
Address 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Host Daini Tokyo Bar Association
Related Practice Areas Corporate Governance Corporate Governance - General Disputes/Dispute Resolution Corporate Criminal Defense/White Collar Crime Crisis Management

This seminar will be held in Japanese only.

Corporate Governance:Seminars

Jul. 19, 2024MHM Open Seminars
" [MHM Corporate Law Seminar 2024]: 'Board of Directors to become a mini-general meeting of shareholders ~ The arrival of an era in which outside directors account for the majority and conduct reviews of management ~' "
Apr. 24, 2024External Seminars
"GCNJ/PRI jointly sponsored [International Trends Seminar]: Strengthening corporate competitiveness through the practice of human capital management - Benefits gained by engaging in human capital management"
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (88th)"
Jan. 25, 2024External Seminars
"Reforms of Tender Offer Regulations and Large Shareholding Reporting System and Practical Implications"
Jan. 5, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2024External Seminars
"Shareholders’ Meeting 2024: Issues and Responses"

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Corporate Governance - General:Seminars

Jul. 19, 2024MHM Open Seminars
" [MHM Corporate Law Seminar 2024]: 'Board of Directors to become a mini-general meeting of shareholders ~ The arrival of an era in which outside directors account for the majority and conduct reviews of management ~' "
Apr. 24, 2024External Seminars
"GCNJ/PRI jointly sponsored [International Trends Seminar]: Strengthening corporate competitiveness through the practice of human capital management - Benefits gained by engaging in human capital management"
Jan. 5, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2024External Seminars
"Shareholders’ Meeting 2024: Issues and Responses"
Dec. 13, 2023External Seminars
"Initial Responses When Fraud and Misconduct are Discovered: Skills and Knowledge that Should be Possessed as a Person in Charge of Legal Affairs and Compliance"
Nov. 6, 2023External Seminars
"Corporate Strategy Seminar (4th Seminar of 2023) - Trends in and Key Points of Recent Fraud and Misconduct Cases"

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Disputes/Dispute Resolution:Seminars

Sep. 5, 2024External Seminars
"Cyber Avatars, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: The Japanese Perspective”
May 14, 2024External Seminars
"From Freeze to Seize to Confiscation: How to Break the Deadlock on Asset Recovery"
Dec. 13, 2023External Seminars
"Initial Responses When Fraud and Misconduct are Discovered: Skills and Knowledge that Should be Possessed as a Person in Charge of Legal Affairs and Compliance"
Nov. 6, 2023External Seminars
"Corporate Strategy Seminar (4th Seminar of 2023) - Trends in and Key Points of Recent Fraud and Misconduct Cases"
Sep. 20, 2023External Seminars
"Let’s debate night on 'Preliminary Arbitrator Views the Path to Smarter and More Efficient Arbitration?' "

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Corporate Criminal Defense/White Collar Crime:Seminars

Dec. 13, 2023External Seminars
"Initial Responses When Fraud and Misconduct are Discovered: Skills and Knowledge that Should be Possessed as a Person in Charge of Legal Affairs and Compliance"
Oct. 20, 2023External Seminars
"5th White Collar Crime Workshop 2023 Roundtable Session 3 [Agile Governance – New Governance Model to Address Society 5.0]"
Apr. 1, 2019External Seminars
The 3887th Finance Facsimile News Seminar "Concrete Measures to Prevent and Detect Frauds / Wrongdoings by Employees"

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Crisis Management:Seminars

Dec. 13, 2023External Seminars
"Initial Responses When Fraud and Misconduct are Discovered: Skills and Knowledge that Should be Possessed as a Person in Charge of Legal Affairs and Compliance"
Nov. 28, 2023External Seminars
“Trends in Global Enforcement and Expectations for Compliance Programs”
Nov. 6, 2023External Seminars
"Corporate Strategy Seminar (4th Seminar of 2023) - Trends in and Key Points of Recent Fraud and Misconduct Cases"
Feb. 1, 2022External Seminars
"IBA Japan Webinar: Expansion of Regulations from Economic Security Perspectives"
Jul. 8, 2019External Seminars
"The Latest Trend and Practical Issues over Whistleblowing System - with Certification of Whistleblowing System, Amendment to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, and Global Whistleblowing System -"

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Hiroshi Yamauchi:Seminars

Dec. 13, 2023External Seminars
"Initial Responses When Fraud and Misconduct are Discovered: Skills and Knowledge that Should be Possessed as a Person in Charge of Legal Affairs and Compliance"
Nov. 6, 2023External Seminars
"Corporate Strategy Seminar (4th Seminar of 2023) - Trends in and Key Points of Recent Fraud and Misconduct Cases"
Jul. 8, 2019External Seminars
"The Latest Trend and Practical Issues over Whistleblowing System - with Certification of Whistleblowing System, Amendment to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, and Global Whistleblowing System -"
Jun. 10, 2019MHM Seminars
Encore Session: "Latest Practices for Operation and Establishment of an Effective Whistleblowing System (Certification of Whistleblowing System, Amendment to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, Global Whistleblowing System, etc.)"
May 13, 2019MHM Seminars
"Latest Practices for Operation and Establishment of an Effective Whistleblowing System (Certification of Whistleblowing System, Amendment to the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, Global Whistleblowing System, etc.)"

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Shintaro Okawa:Seminars

Apr. 28, 2023MHM Open Seminars
(Live-Streaming Webinar in English) “MHM Seminar: Expansion of designated businesses in Japanese FDI regulations and the latest trend of FDI screening inviting METI Officials”
Sep. 6, 2022External Seminars
"The updates of Economic Security Promotion Act and the coming policies for Economic Security"
May 25, 2022 - Jun. 24, 2022MHM Open Seminars
(English language webinar) "Overview of Japan’s Economic Sanctions against Russia and Belarus (Updated on May 23)"
Mar. 29, 2022External Seminars
”IBA Japan Webinar: Economy and National Security: Update on the Economic Security Promotion Bill and its Impact on Business”
Mar. 22, 2022External Seminars
"Economy and National Security: Overview of the Economic Security Promotion Bill and Its Impact on Business"

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