External SeminarsPast
"4th Asia-based International Financial Law Conference 'Session two: Fintech’s impact on Asian financial markets I: the regulatory and legislative developments in STO and digital exchanges' "

Seminar Outline

Regulatory/Regulated Transactions:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
May 9, 2024External Seminars
"2nd Annual Conference on AI and IP"
Apr. 6, 2024 - Apr. 7, 2024External Seminars
"Agile Governance Symposium 3rd"
Jan. 24, 2024External Seminars
"Regulating AI in Japan and the United States"
Dec. 15, 2023External Seminars
"Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence Conference"

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Financial Regulation:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (88th)"
Jan. 26, 2024External Seminars
"Understanding the Variation Margin (VM) CSA (Japanese Language)"
Nov. 22, 2023External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (87th)"
Oct. 20, 2023External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (86th)"

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Payment Services/Electronic Money:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Nov. 3, 2022External Seminars
"Policy Trend and Current Discussion on Metaverse in Japan"
Sep. 7, 2021External Seminars
"Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Challenges"
Oct. 19, 2018External Seminars
"Blockchain and its Application to IP Management"
Sep. 10, 2018MHM Seminars
”Japan Investment Seminar ”

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Capital Markets:Seminars

Sep. 10, 2018MHM Seminars
”Japan Investment Seminar ”
Oct. 19, 2016External Seminars
ABA Section of International Law 2016 Fall Meeting"Carve Outs – Asia Style"
Sep. 22, 2016External Seminars
IBA Annual Conference Washington D.C. 2016 "Company financing: trends in debt and equity funding"

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Structured Finance:Seminars

Jul. 9, 2024External Seminars
“Data center real estate investment strategy, The Next Frontier: Exploring the Landscape of Data Center Real Estate Investment in the Dynamic AI and Cloud Era”
Jul. 4, 2017External Seminars
"Comparative Analysis of the Legal Framework and Market Practice for Infrastructure/PPP in Australia/UK and in Japan"
Feb. 15, 2017External Seminars
"Derivatives in Securitization"
Nov. 1, 2016External Seminars
"Law and Practice of Credit-linked Loans"
Jun. 15, 2016MHM Seminars
Credit-linked loans

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Asset Management/Investment Funds:Seminars

Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Roadshow to Asia"
Sep. 24, 2019External Seminars
IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019 "Hot topics and regulatory developments for asset managers and investment funds"
May 21, 2019External Seminars
"Accessing Asia – a regulatory overview - 30th Annual Conference on the Globalisation of Investment Funds"
Dec. 20, 2018External Seminars
"The new era of supervisory approaches and challenges for financial institutions"
Nov. 8, 2018External Seminars
"JFSA’s new supervisory approaches and challenges for financial institutions"

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Real Estate Investment and Financing:Seminars

Jul. 9, 2024External Seminars
“Data center real estate investment strategy, The Next Frontier: Exploring the Landscape of Data Center Real Estate Investment in the Dynamic AI and Cloud Era”
Feb. 11, 2020External Seminars
"Investing in Japan’s Hospitality Business – What you need to know"
Sep. 10, 2018MHM Seminars
”Japan Investment Seminar ”
Jul. 7, 2017External Seminars
"An introductory course to lending business: basics of security documents"

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International Practice:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Jun. 26, 2024External Seminars
"Doing Business In and With Global Markets 2024"
May 30, 2024External Seminars
“AIJA Half-Year May Conference Mexico City 2024 'Robots in charge of our health' ”
Feb. 21, 2024External Seminars
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Roadshow to Asia"

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Jul. 26, 2024External Seminars
"Legal challenges of AI and AI’s Influence on Existing Legal Framework"
Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Nov. 3, 2022External Seminars
"Policy Trend and Current Discussion on Metaverse in Japan"
Sep. 7, 2021External Seminars
"Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Challenges"
Sep. 28, 2016External Seminars
"Rakuten FinTech Conference 2016"

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Settlement and Funds Transfers:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Nov. 3, 2022External Seminars
"Policy Trend and Current Discussion on Metaverse in Japan"

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Cryptoassets and Blockchain:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Roadshow to Asia"
Nov. 3, 2022External Seminars
"Policy Trend and Current Discussion on Metaverse in Japan"
Sep. 7, 2021External Seminars
"Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Challenges"
Jan. 31, 2018External Seminars
"Blockchain and its Application to IP Management"

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Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Roadshow to Asia"

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Masayuki Ishibashi:Seminars

Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Roadshow to Asia"
Mar. 29, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2023External Seminars
"4th Asia-based International Financial Law Conference"

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