External SeminarsPast
"Quarterly Bay Area Antitrust Discussion: Lunar New Year Event - Antitrust Trends and Hot Topics in Asia"

Seminar Outline

Date/Time February 22, 2024 (Thu)  10:00~2:30(Pacific Time)
Speakers Yusuke Takamiya
Place Morgan Lewis Silicon Valley
Address 1400 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304
Host Morgan Lewis and USC Gould School of Law
Related Practice Areas Competition/Antitrust


9:00–10:00 am | Registration

10:00–11:30 am | Panel 1: Antitrust Trends and Hot Topics in the US
1 hour CA MCLE pending
Moderator: Jordy Hur (Morgan Lewis)
Panelists: Qianwei Fu (Zelle Law), Angela Yoon (LinkedIn), Michelle Park Chiu (Morgan Lewis)

11:30 am–1:00 pm | Lunch

1:00–2:30 pm | Panel 2: Antitrust Trends and Hot Topics in Asia
Moderator: Danny Sokol (USC Gould School of Law)
Panelists: Professor Soojin Nam (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Fei Deng (CRA), Yusuke Takamiya (MHM)


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Yusuke Takamiya:Seminars

Nov. 7, 2024External Seminars
"Winter School on Economics of Competition Law"
Nov. 4, 2024External Seminars
"Japan's Smartphone Act and Its Implications"
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