
Recent News

Top rankings received from asialaw 2024
Top rankings received from IFLR1000 2024
Public Service
Masakazu Masujima becomes a member of the Committee on "Research on Model Contracts for Promoting Open Innovation in R&D Based Start-Ups" for Research on Issues Concerning Industrial Property Rights Systems for FY 2024, Japan Patent Office
Firm News
Yasuna Itane joins Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Firm News
“MORI HAMADA Library” becomes available on AI Legal Platform “LegalOn Cloud”
Public Service
Hiroki Habuka becomes a Chairperson of the Expert Examination Committee on Research and Study on the Use of Generative AI, Etc. in Child and Childcare Related Areas, Children and Families Agency
Public Service
The "Guidelines for NFT Businesses 3rd Edition," in which Masafumi Masuda was involved in the formulation as Legal Counsel of the NFT Subcommittee, is released by Japan Cryptoasset Business Association (JCBA)
Report on MHM Pride 2024
Public Service
Kazuo Yoshida becomes a director of "Insurance Lawyer Forum," Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc. 
Public Service
Firm’s members cooperate in a field learning program for high school students of The Second High School, Tokyo University of Agriculture
MHM lawyers selected in "Who's Who Legal: Capital Markets 2024"
Firm News
Yokohama Office Starts Operations
MHM lawyers selected in "Who's Who Legal: Real Estate 2024"
Important Notice: Beware of fraud involving misrepresentation of the firm or impersonation of the firm's lawyers or staff
Public Service
Atsushi Okada states his opinions as an expert at the Special Commission on Investigation of Digital Society and Creation of New Industry, Iwate Prefectural Government
Masahito Saeki selected in "Who's Who Legal: Hospitality 2024"
Firm News
Hiromi Kakugawa joins Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Public Service
Yohinori Tatsuno becomes a member of the International Commercial and Investment Arbitration ADR Working Group, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
Firm News
Hugh Kennedy joins Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Firm News
MHM enters into exclusive partnership with Harvey to collaborate on generative AI in Japan and Asia