

Important Notice: Beware of fraud involving misrepresentation of the firm or impersonation of the firm's lawyers or staff
Atsushi Okada listed in IAM Global Leaders 2024
Public Service
Masakazu Masujima becomes a member of the Study Group on Global Data Governance, organized by the Digital Agency and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Public Service
Masakazu Masujima becomes a member of the Committee for Reform of Digital-Related Systems, the Digital Agency
Public Service
Daisuke Tsuta becomes a member of Study Group on Ensuring the Safety and Security of a Cashless Society (National Police Agency)
Public Service
Kenta Minamitani becomes a Student Fellow at the Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford Law School
Public Service
Kenta Minamitani becomes the Stanford Global Health Student Council
Public Service
Kenta Minamitani becomes an Editorial Member of Stanford Environmental Law Journal
MHM awarded "Gold" in the PRIDE Index 2023
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (6): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Firm News
Yuu Iwai joins Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Public Service
Ryosuke Onobori becomes a legal advisor for Stable Coin Subcommittee, Japan Cryptoasset Business Association
Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (5): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Public Service
Mariko Morita gave a lecture at Senshu University School of Law as a guest speaker
Public Service
Kenji Ito becomes a Vice President of Japan Competition Law Forum
Jakarta Office selected in "Indonesia Firms to Watch 2023" by Asian Legal Business
Firm News
Sapporo Office Starts Operations
Public Service
Masafumi Masuda becomes a member of the Study Group on the Realisation of a Safe and Secure Metaverse, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (4): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
Public Service
Masakazu Masujima becomes a member of the Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform (Start-up and Investment Working Group), Cabinet Office