Anti-corruption/Anti-bribery Regulations

With specialized knowledge and abundant experience in anti-corruption and anti-bribery regulations in Japan and overseas, we provide legal support both in handling crisis situations and establishing compliance mechanisms.

Due to both globalization and the tightening of international anti-bribery regulations, it has become increasingly important for our corporate clients to address corruption and bribery risks. It is still not uncommon for local public officials in emerging countries to demand bribes, and a company can face severe legal and reputational risks if it makes a misstep in responding to such demands. Therefore, ongoing risk management as well as specialized legal support in times of crisis are indispensable in this field. With regard to anti-bribery legislation in particular, the laws of not only Japan but also those of various other countries, including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act, are often applied extra-territorially. Therefore, it is critical to understand the complex application of multiple laws in order to handle crises that arise as well as establish ongoing compliance structures.

Bribery risk is not limited to a company’s overseas business. Cases of bribery involving politicians and public officials continue to arise in Japan as well. In particular, cases of bribery involving politicians and senior officials of government ministries draw very high levels of attention from not only investigative authorities but also from the public generally. Bribery cases of this kind can have severe reputational consequences for all involved. Societal attitudes in Japan have changed with regard to the provision of gifts and entertainment in both the public and private sector. Providing entertainment or gifts to public officials is viewed critically even in situations where it may not technically be illegal. Furthermore, societal attitudes toward the provision of gifts and excessive entertainment within the private sector is becoming increasingly unforgiving as well.

Drawing upon our specialized knowledge and extensive experience dealing with anti-corruption and anti-bribery regulations, we provide full legal support to our clients in handling crisis situations and also in establishing ongoing risk management structures.

Anti-corruption/Anti-bribery Regulations:People

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Anti-corruption/Anti-bribery Regulations:Publications

Magazine Article
"Rules for Dinners and Gift-Giving Between Companies: Key Points for 'Gift Compliance'"
Magazine Article
"Key Points of the Revision of the Political Funds Control Act - Disclosure of Income and Expenditures of Political Funds and Liabilities of Diet Members"
"In-Depth: Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Edition 12"
Magazine Article
"Strengthening and Expansion of Penalties with Respect to Bribery of Foreign Public Officials"
Magazine Article
"Amendment to the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and Current Status of Compliance with Respect to Bribery of Foreign Public Officials"

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