Investor Relations/Media Relations

It goes without saying that investor and media relations are of great importance in cases of misconduct or wrongdoing. We do our best to support companies in crisis so that they can manage information appropriately and convey accurate information to the market and the public generally, thereby avoiding unnecessary damage to corporate value and restoring corporate trust as quickly as possible.

When corporate wrongdoing is recognized, a company is required not only to disclose accurate information to its shareholders and investors, but also to provide sufficient explanations to stakeholders as a whole and the public in general as part of the company’s social responsibility. There have been many cases where failures in investor and media relations (such as insufficient or delayed disclosure of information, antagonistic statements, etc.) have caused problems to become even worse. In addition, the risk of corporate information being leaked and spread to third parties is very high.

Prompt and appropriate investor and media relations activities that take these circumstances into account are extremely important for companies to minimize damage caused by wrongdoing. Our firm has been involved in dealing with many cases of serious wrongdoing that were of high public interest. From the earliest stages of making an initial response, we have assisted companies in handling investor and media relations and in regaining trust. We have provided support in coordinating global communications strategies that take into account national and regional characteristics by working together with local law firms.

Based on our extensive experience acquired over many years, we provide full support incorporating all aspects of investor and media relations to avoid unnecessary confusion and to restore corporate trust as quickly as possible.

Investor Relations/Media Relations:People

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Investor Relations/Media Relations:Publications

"Practical Manual for Responding to Product Accidents and Corporate Scandals - From Preventive Measures and Initial Responses to Restoring Reliability Based on Actual Case Samples"
Magazine Article
"Key Points for Disclosure of 'Material Agreements' Based on Revisions to the Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure"
Magazine Article
"Agreements and Covenants Between Companies and Shareholders: Practical Notes Regarding Revisions to the Mandatory Disclosure of 'Material Agreements'"
"International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media & Internet 2024 - Japan Chapter"
"Whistleblower Protection Act - Operational Key Points that are Likely to be Overlooked when Reading Provisions (Part 6): Operational Key Points Regarding Persons Engaged in Whistleblowing System Operations (6)"

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