External SeminarsPast
"Let’s debate night on 'Preliminary Arbitrator Views the Path to Smarter and More Efficient Arbitration?' "

Seminar Outline

Date/Time September 20, 2023 (Wed)  6:30~8:00 (JST)
Speakers Lexi Takamatsu
Place Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)
Address Otemon Tower, 112Otemachi Chiyoda ku Tokyo, 100 8124, Japan Palace View, 10th Floor
Host Anne Marie Doernenburg, Associate, Nishimura & Asahi Hon. Secretary, CIArb EAB ) Japan Chapter YMG
Related Practice Areas Disputes/Dispute Resolution International Disputes International Practice


CIArb EAB Japan Chapter YMG invites you to our first Let’s debate night where we will explore the role of arbitrators in streamlining proceedings and facilitating settlement without sacrificing due process.

Dominic Sharman Counsel, Baker McKenzie
Hiroko Yamamoto Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton
Tatsuhiko Makino Associate, Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
Lexi Takamatsu , Associate, Mori Hamada Matsumoto

Doors will be open between 6:15pm and 6:45pm JST. Following a lively debate, the audience will have the opportunity for questions and determine the winning team in a live poll. Do stay for our mix and mingle over light refreshments, including tasty wine and cheese.

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