2022年9月14日 获奖经历
在asialaw 2023, the definitive guide to Asia's leading law firms and lawyers评选中获得高度评价
本事务所在asialaw 2023, the definitive guide to Asia's leading law firms and lawyers评选中获得“杰出”称号,本事务所和本事务所的律师在以下的领域和行业中得到了高度评价。
并且在泰国(Chandler MHM Limited)、缅甸(Myanmar Legal MHM Limited)、越南也同样获得了高度评价。
Practice area and industry sector
Practice area
- Banking and finance (Outstanding)
- Capital markets (Outstanding)
- Competition/antitrust (Outstanding)
- Construction (Outstanding)
- Corporate and M&A (Outstanding)
- Dispute resolution (Outstanding)
- Intellectual property (Highly recommended)
- Investment funds (Outstanding)
- Labour and employment (Outstanding)
- Private equity (Highly recommended)
- Regulatory (Outstanding)
- Restructuring and insolvency (Highly recommended)
- Tax (Highly recommended)
Industry sector
- Banking and financial services (Outstanding)
- Consumer goods and services (Outstanding)
- Energy (Outstanding)
- Infrastructure (Recommended)
- Insurance (Recommended)
- Media and entertainment (Highly recommended)
- Real estate (Outstanding)
- Technology and telecommunications (Recommended)
Practice area
- Banking and finance (Outstanding)
- Capital markets (Recommended)
- Construction (Highly recommended)
- Corporate and M&A (Outstanding)
- Dispute resolution (Recommended)
- Labour and employment (Highly recommended)
- Restructuring and insolvency (Highly recommended)
Industry sector
- Aviation and shipping (Recommended)
- Banking and financial services (Outstanding)
- Consumer goods and services (Highly recommended)
- Energy (Outstanding)
- Industrials and manufacturing (Highly recommended)
- Infrastructure (Outstanding)
- Insurance (Recommended)
- Real estate (Highly recommended)
- Technology and telecommunications (Recommended)
Practice area
- General business law (Highly recommended)
Industry sector
- Energy (Highly recommended)
- Infrastructure (Recommended)
- Real estate (Recommended)
Practice area
Banking and finance
Elite practitioner: 佐藤 正谦
Distinguished practitioner: 石川 直树、青山 大树
Notable practitioner:冈谷 茂树、末广 裕亮 -
Capital markets
Elite practitioner: 铃木 克昌
Distinguished practitioner: 尾本 太郎
Notable practitioner: 藤津 康彦、根本 敏光 -
Distinguished practitioner: 伊藤 宪二 -
Corporate and M&A
Elite practitioner: 石绵 学
Distinguished practitioner: 棚桥 元、大石 笃史
Notable practitioner: 土屋 智弘、松村 祐土、户嶋 浩二、松下 宪
Rising star: 佐伯 优仁 -
Dispute resolution
Distinguished practitioner: 关户 麦
Notable practitioner: 冈田 淳 -
Distinguished practitioner: 小林 卓泰 -
Elite practitioner: 前田 博 -
Intellectual property
Distinguished practitioner: 三好 丰
Notable practitioner: 田中 浩之 -
Investment funds
Elite practitioner: 三浦 健
Distinguished practitioner: 竹野 康造、大西 信治 -
Labour and employment
Distinguished practitioner: 高谷 知佐子 -
Private equity
Elite practitioner: 石绵 学
Distinguished practitioner: 棚桥 元 -
Real estate
Distinguished practitioner: 小泽 绘里子 -
Rising star: 山内 洋嗣 -
Restructuring and insolvency
Elite practitioner: 藤原 总一郎
Notable practitioner: 稻生 隆浩 -
Distinguished practitioner: 大石 笃史
- Banking and finance
Elite practitioner: Jessada Sawatdipong
Distinguished practitioner: Joseph Tisuthiwongse
Notable practitioner: Supattra Sathapornnanon、David Beckstead
Rising star: Sarunporn Chaianant - Corporate and M&A
Distinguished practitioner: Arkrapol Pichedvanichok
Notable practitioner: 秋本 诚司 - Real estate
Distinguished practitioner: Tananan Thammakiat
Industry sector
- Energy
Rising star: Sarunporn Chaianant
Practice area
- Corporate and M&A
Senior statesman: Khin Cho Kyi
Practice area
- Corporate and M&A
Rising star: 西尾 贤司、Ha Thi Dung
- 律师
- 竹野 康造 佐藤 正谦 三浦 健 藤原 总一郎 棚桥 元 土屋 智弘 高谷 知佐子 三好 丰 石绵 学 伊藤 宪二 大石 笃史 小泽 绘里子 小林 卓泰 关户 麦 松村 祐土 藤津 康彦 石川 直树 铃木 克昌 尾本 太郎 户嶋 浩二 青山 大树 秋本 诚司 冈田 淳 稻生 隆浩 大西 信治 冈谷 茂树 佐伯 优仁 根本 敏光 松下 宪 末广 裕亮 田中 浩之 山内 洋嗣 西尾 贤司
- 业务领域
- M&A 私募股权 金融 银行业务 资本市场 不动产投资/融资 竞争法/反垄断法 公司治理 诉讼/纠纷解决 基建/能源 电力/煤气 法律法规的遵守/交易 金融相关监管 不动产相关 涉及消费者的相关法律法规 电气通信/电波 保险 汽车/航空/船舶 税务 IT/生命科学/知识产权 知识产权/娱乐行业 业务重整/破产 Insurtech 法人财务会计/个人资产管理
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