Special Feature: Automated Driving and MaaS
Today, the automotive industry is said to be entering a once-in-a-century period of transformation. At the core of this transformation is a series of technical innovations called "CASE" (Connected, Autonomous, Shared/Service, Electric), which is represented by new technologies and services such as "automated driving" and "MaaS" (Mobility as a Service).
For many years, we have provided legal services for our clients including domestic and overseas automobile manufacturers and automotive parts companies. In order to deal promptly with the arrival of this transformational period, we have established a support system for the automated driving and MaaS fields ahead of any other law firm.
"Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses" was published on June 23, 2020 and the second edition was published on December 28, 2023.
This is an unprecedented book that broadly explains the legal systems in relation to automobile-related businesses, such as automated driving and MaaS, as well as connected cars.
Jump to each item on this page from the following links.
▼ Our Experience to Date ▼ Awards & Recognitions ▼ Our Initiatives to Date
▼ News Related to Automated Operation Driving and MaaS
▼ Attorneys related to this Field
Our Experience to Date
- Capital and business alliances and restructuring of major automobile manufacturers, and the merger of major automotive parts companies
- Business integration of a taxi dispatch application company
- Advice on a foreign company’s service providing GPS location information for automated driving
- Advice to a major IT company on the regulations regarding automated driving
- No-action letter to MLIT to request advance confirmation of the application of laws and regulations concerning the Road Transport Act
- Advice to a logistics company on the gathering of information including drivers’ biometric information by IoT equipment, data contracts, and telecommunications business law
- Advice on transportation service applications by an overseas startup company
- Advice on the Road Transportation Act related to MaaS services
- Advice on the launch of a food delivery application
- Advice on the regulations in relation to electric scooter sharing services
- Advice on draft safety standards related to automated driving
- Advice on recalls related to cars, automated driving and MaaS, intellectual property rights/data, and product liability
- Investment in a startup company related to automated driving
- Joint venture with an automobile service company
Awards & Recognitions
Our Initiatives to Date
As below, we are enhancing our support system in the fields of automated driving and MaaS. In addition, we are also accumulating our know-how and expanding our expertise by providing advice on numerous occasions to domestic and overseas players who are at the forefront of the automotive industry. We will continue to provide advanced and strategic legal services in order to contribute to the development of our clients' businesses and the growth of the automotive industry.
2015 | Three partners set up a "Study Group on Robots and Related Laws" at Mori Hamada & Matsumoto and commenced a full-scale study. |
Jul. 2015 | Articles by our lawyers began to be published bimonthly in the Nikkei Robotics Legal Consultation. |
May. 2016 | "Legal framework and challenges for achieving autonomous (driverless) cars (Part 1)/(Part 2)" by Koji Toshima was published in NBL. |
May. 2017 |
"Recent Japanese Regulations on Ride Sharing and Car Sharing" by Koji Toshima and Norihito Sato was published in NBL. |
May. 2017 |
Norihito Sato was with the Road Transport Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) to accumulate know-how on automated driving, recall regulation and MaaS (until 2019). |
2018 | Koji Toshima became a member of the Study Group on New Mobility Services Brought About by IoT and AI at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (until 2019). |
Nov. 2018 | The MHM Seminar 2018 entitled "The arrival and required rules of the AI/IoT society" discussed the topics of "automated driving, connected cars, and MaaS". More than 2,000 guests participated in the seminar. |
2020 | Norihito Sato became a member of the Project Adoption and Screening Committee (for digital technology development aimed at regulatory advancements in the field of mobility), at the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). |
Mar. 2020 | "Automotive Newsletters" specializing in automotive-related matters commenced periodical publication. |
Jun. 2020 | "Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses" was published. |
News Related to Automated Operation Driving and MaaS
- July 1, 2024: Norihito Sato becomes a member of Working Group on the Examination of Social Implementation of Automated Delivery Robots with Higher Delivery Capacity (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- March 11, 2024: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (9): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- December 26, 2023:Norihito Sato becomes a member of the Sub-Working Group on the Examination of Social Rules Concerning Automated Vehicles in the AI Era, Digital Agency
- December 26, 2023:Norihito Sato becomes an external advisory committee member of the Small/Startup Business Innovation Research Promotion Program (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
- December 4, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (8): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- November 27, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (7): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- November 6, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (6): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- October 30, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (5): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- October 16, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (4): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- October 9, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (3): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- September 18, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 2 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (2): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- September 11, 2023: Norihito Sato appears on page 3 of "Tokyo Transportation News" in an article titled "Commentary on Level 4 Autonomous Driving (1): Advent of Level 4 and Current Status and Future Outlook of Legal Framework"
- June 20, 2023: Comments by Norihito Sato are published on a local economy page of the Nikkei in an article titled "Kubota to Launch Unmanned Combines - Successful Alliance with NVIDIA to Ensure Safety Using AI Cameras"
- Norihito Sato "Current Status and Issues Concerning Regulations on New Mobility Such as Level 4 Autonomous Driving and Electric Kick Scooters to be Realized by Amendments to the Road Traffic Act" (NBL No.1223, 2022)
- Norihito Sato "Future of New Technologies and Laws (6) - Autonomous Driving" (Jurist No.1574, 2022)
- Norihito Sato, Kensho Akita "Information and Points to Consider When Approving Use of Electric Kick Scooters for Commuting Based on Amendments to the Road Traffic Act" (Business Guide July 2022)
- Norihito Sato "Approach Toward Amendments to the Road Traffic Act Aimed at Realizing New Mobility, Such As Autonomous Driving Level 4 and Electric Kick Scooters" (NBL No.1215, 2022)
- 【Editor】 Koji Toshima, Hiromi Hayashi, Atsushi Okada, Norihito Sato, Rina Shimada, Jun Kimura, Kohei Wachi, Hiroto Fukuzawa "Drone Business and Regulations (2nd ed.)" (Seibunsha Co., Ltd., 2022)
- Norihito Sato, Kensho Akita "Latest Trends and Key Points for Development of Legal Systems and M&A in the Automobile Industry in the MaaS/CASE Era in Light of the Spread of COVID-19" (Research and Development Leader No.188, 2021)
- Kensho Akita "Legal Issues for and Examination of Practical Use of Autonomous Delivery Robots"(Business Houmu, October 2021)
- Norihito Sato and Kohei Shiozaki "Robotics Legal Consultation (73): Direction of Amendments to the Road Traffic Act Aimed at Realizing Driverless Autonomous Driving Mobility Services"(Nikkei Robotics, September 2021)
- Norihito Sato "Current Situation and Future Outlook of Legal Framework For Automated Vehicles and New Mobility"(NBL No.1195, 2021)
▼View All
- Kensho Akita "Current Status of, Issues and Outlook for, Autonomous Driving"(Law & Technology No.89, 2020)
- Norihito Sato "Latest Legislative Developments Aimed at Realizing MaaS"(Business Houmu September, 2020)
- Koji Toshima "Legal Frontier of the Mobility Business Field" (JILA ONLINE JOURNAL, 2020)
- 【Editor and Author】Koji Toshima and Norihito Sato【Author】Hiromi Hayashi, Atsushi Okada, Mikio Sonoda, Kazuhisa Kita, Toru Shimizuike, Kensho Akita, Daisuke Mosaka, Yuki Saito, Tomohiro Oka ,Hiroki Okada, Taisei Katano, Kazuki Sawa, Yu Nakayama, Noriko Makino, Keita Mashita and Yuma Yoshikawa "Regulations on Autonomous Cars and MaaS Businesses" (Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2020)
- Norihito Sato "Amendment to the Road Transport Vehicle Act and the Road Traffic Act Enabling Deployment of Automated Vehicles" (Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd, 2020)
- Norihito Sato "Robotics Legal Consultation (55): Amendment to the Road Transport Vehicle Act Securing Safety of Automated Vehicles" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2020)
- Koji Toshima "Legal Issues concerning IoT Advanced Technology — Part 2: MaaS and Japan's Legal System" (SHOJIHOMU Co., Ltd, 2019)
- Koji Toshima, Norihito Sato and Yuma Yoshikawa "Legal Issues concerning IoT Advanced Technology — Part 1: Current Status and Future Direction of Legal Systems concerning Autonomous Driving" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd.)
- Koji Toshima "Robotics Legal Consultation (51): Will it Be Possible to Use E-Scooters in Japan?" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2019)
- Norihito Sato "Amendment to the Road Transport Vehicle Act and the Road Traffic Act Enabling Deployment of Automated Vehicles" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2019)
- Koji Toshima "Robotics Legal Consultation (43): Amendment of the Road Traffic Act in Response to Autonomous Vehicles" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2019)
- Norihito Sato "Investigations of Accidents Caused by Automated Driving Vehicles" (Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd, 2019)
- Koji Toshima "Robotics Legal Consultation (39): How should we collect and use data from cars with the advances in auto technology?" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2018)
- Koji Toshima "Latest Developments in Rules for Autonomous Cars" (Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2018)
- Norihito Sato "Outline of the Charter for the Improvement of the Legal System and Environment for Automated Driving Systems" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2018)
- Norihito Sato "Summary of Report on Liability related to Automated Driving by the Research Panel" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2018)
- Koji Toshima "Robotics Legal Consultation (32): Which regulations should be considered when automating logistics?" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2018)
- Koji Toshima "The Forefront of Information and Technology Law: (Final): Initiatives for the Creation of Autonomous Cars" (Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2017)
- Koji Toshima and Norihito Sato "[Round-Table Discussion] Legal Framework for an Autonomous Car Based Society (Part 1)/(Part 2)" (Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2017)
- Hiromi Hayashi "Potential benefits of Japanese regulatory sandbox for proof of concept of autonomous vehicles and drones" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2017)
- Rina Shimada "Q&A: Corporate Legal Affairs - Legal Problems Concerning Autonomous Cars" (Chuokeizai-sha, Inc, 2017)
- Norihito Sato "Summary of Study Group Discussion Topics for Damages Liability Related to Autonomous Cars" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2017)
- Koji Toshima and Norihito Sato "Recent Japanese Regulations on Ride Sharing and Car Sharing" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2017)
- Koji Toshima and Norihito Sato "New Policies concerning Automated Vehicles in the US" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2016)
- Koji Toshima "Legal framework and challenges for achieving autonomous (driverless) cars (Part 1)/(Part 2)" (Shojihomu Co., Ltd, 2016)
- Koji Toshima and Rina Shimada "Is it Permissible for an Autonomous Car to Run on Public Roads?" (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc, 2015)
- March 9, 2023 : Norihito Sato "ReVision Mobility Summit 2023"
- March 8, 2023 : Norihito Sato "IPBA2023:New Mobility Solutions in the World of Autonomous/Electric Vehicles and Urban Air Mobility Vehicles"
- February 16, 2022 : Norihito Sato ”Automated Driving System and the Law”
- August 28, 2020 : Norihito Sato "Challenge of MONET Technologies and Legislative Developments Aimed at Carrying forward MaaS"
- May 20, 2020 : Norihito Sato "Disrupted industries – the example of the automotive industry, Part of the Virtual Entrepreneurship Conference"
- Updated
- September 30, 2024
- Author
- Koji Toshima Norihito Sato Kensho Akita
- Practice Area
- Automobiles, Aviation and Ships
*Please note: Information is current as of the time of disclosure.