Employment Matters - General

Effective, practical, and innovative advice in a comprehensive range of labor matters

Our Labor Law Practice Group provides effective, practical, and innovative advice in a comprehensive range of labor matters including human resources, employee benefits and compensation, tax, and other regulations. We advise on general corporate matters including those in connection with negotiations and communications with labor unions, employees, executives, and regulatory authorities; establishment or restructuring of benefits and compensation plans; and establishment or restructuring of businesses.

We work seamlessly with lawyers from all our Practice Groups to provide advice efficiently in matters that require experience in areas such as tax, intellectual property, and overseas jurisdictions. We assist with a wide range of complex business transactions, providing advice in respect of labor matters and helping to identify and address risks that involve multiple legal disciplines. These types of transactions include M&A, investments, restructurings and bankruptcies, and local and cross-border transactions.

Employment Matters - General:People

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Employment Matters - General:News

13 of our lawyers were selected as Japan’s Top 100 Lawyers 2021 in Asia Business Law Journal

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Employment Matters - General:Seminars

Jun. 7, 2017MHM Seminars
CMHM Seminar "Key features and latest updates of the Labour Protection Act"

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Employment Matters - General:Publications

Magazine Article
"Q&A: Legal Issues Related to Labor Management of Dispatched Workers"
"In-House View: Diversity and Inclusion – The LGBTQ Rights Movement in Japan"
Magazine Article
"Deliberating Methods for Filing Complaints against Decisions on Recognized Business Operators' Insurance Premiums to which the Merit System for Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Apply"
Magazine Article
"Corporate Legal Affairs: Case Analysis of Human Capital Reporting in Annual Securities Reports Filed in June, 2023"
Magazine Article
"Annual Summary of Labor-Related Court Decisions and Orders (2023 Edition)"

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