Financial Regulation

Seasoned advice in the area of financial regulation and communications with regulatory authorities

We provide comprehensive advice to banks, insurance companies, securities broker-dealers, and other financial institutions. We advise on corporate matters, financial regulations, governmental authorizations, and compliance. We assist financial institutions in developing and updating their compliance systems, corporate management systems, and other organizational structures, and advise them on communication strategy with supervisory authorities. We also handle mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, and integrations of financial institutions.

In recent years, the financial authorities in Japan have been actively encouraging financial institutions to pursue best practices. The number of financial institutions subjected to significant penalties or administrative sanctions is increasing. We assist our clients in coping with these developing trends, regulations, practices, and challenges by providing comprehensive legal services tailored to their specific situations and needs.

Financial Regulation:People

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Financial Regulation:Newsletters

Enterprise Value Mortgage to be Introduced by New Legislation
Enterprise Value Mortgage to be Introduced by New Legislation
Enterprise Value Mortgage to be Introduced by New Legislation
Legal reforms to promote entry of investment managers and stimulate unlisted securities transactions
Initiatives Promote Japan as Leading Asset Management Center: Japan Published Asset Management Task Force Report

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Financial Regulation:News

Public Service
The "Guidelines for NFT Businesses 3rd Edition," in which Masafumi Masuda was involved in the formulation as Legal Counsel of the NFT Subcommittee, is released by Japan Cryptoasset Business Association (JCBA)
Public Service
Revised "Guidelines on Blockchain Games," whose formulation included the involvement of Masafumi Masuda, are released by CESA, JOGA, and MCF
Public Service
Masafumi Masuda becomes a member of the Peer Review Committee for "the Development of Basic Technology and Rules for the Expansion of the Virtual Economy," Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, Cabinet Office
The Best Lawyers in Japan™ and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Japan™ (2025 edition)
Public Service
MHM releases groundbreaking METI-commissioned report on Green Transformation League operational and legal framework of emissions trading system

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Financial Regulation:Seminars

Jul. 25, 2024External Seminars
"AI and Web3 technologies for building growth and trust"
Feb. 2, 2024External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (88th)"
Jan. 26, 2024External Seminars
"Understanding the Variation Margin (VM) CSA (Japanese Language)"
Nov. 22, 2023External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (87th)"
Oct. 20, 2023External Seminars
"Compliance Seminar for the Management (86th)"

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Financial Regulation:Publications

Magazine Article
"Financial Regulations and Taxation of Foreign Trust-type Funds that are not Foreign Investment Trusts"
Magazine Article
"Amendments to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in 2024: Tender Offer System and Large Shareholding Reporting System"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 2) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Part 1) - Focusing on Enterprise Value Charge (EVC)"
Magazine Article
"Practices involved in 'Private Placement with Professional Investors' : A New Financing Method for Startups"

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