Chunhan Chi

Foreign Lawyer

Chunhan Chi

Print profile


Since qualifying as an attorney in Taiwan in 2005, I have engaged in a broad range of international legal matters involving Japan and Taiwan, with a particular focus on M&A, finance, handling of Taiwanese labor issues, legal compliance, general corporate legal matters, and civil and commercial disputes. I aim to present optimal solutions for Japanese corporate clients expanding, or considering an expansion, into Taiwan using the practical experience I have accumulated in both Japan and Taiwan.

Contact Information


Practice Areas

Chunhan Chi:News

Firm News
Chunhan Chi joins Mori Hamada & Matsumoto

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Chunhan Chi:Seminars

Sep. 6, 2021External Seminars
"太陽光電法律議題分享會 (Hot Legal Topics in Solar Power)"

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Chunhan Chi:Publications

Magazine Article
"Key Points Concerning Loans and Parent Company Guarantees to, and Collection from, Japanese Subsidiaries of Taiwanese Companies"
Magazine Article
"History and Development of ESG in Taiwan: Introduction of Laws and Regulations Concerning Promotion of Industrial Technology in Taiwan"
"Business Legal Practices in Taiwan"

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Chunhan Chi:Other


  • National Taiwan University (NTU), (LL.B., 2001)
  • Passed the Taiwan Bar Examination (2001)
  • Graduate School of Law, National Taiwan University (LL.M., 2005)
  • with Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law (2005-2016)
  • The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics (LL.M., 2015)
  • Earned Credits for the Doctoral Program, The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics (2016)
  • with Nishimura & Asahi (2016-2019)

Major Activities

  • The society for the Study of International Judicial Precedents
  • Kansai Private International Law Association

Bar Admissions

admitted in Taiwan, 2001
Taipei Bar Association (2005)
admitted as registered foreign lawyer, 2024
Daini Tokyo Bar Association