Yoshifumi Onodera


Yoshifumi Onodera

Print profile


Contact Information

+81-3-5223-7769 (Tokyo)
+86-10-6590-9292 (Beijing)
+81-3-5223-7669 (Tokyo)
+86-10-6590-9290 (Beijing)

Practice Areas

Yoshifumi Onodera:Awards

MHM lawyers selected in "Who’s Who Legal: Japan 2024"
Top rankings received from IAM Patent 1000 2024
The Best Lawyers in Japan™ and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Japan™ (2025 edition)

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Yoshifumi Onodera:News

Firm News
Opening of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Intellectual Property Co., Ltd.
Public Service
Yoshifumi Onodera became the member of Working Group on "Research and Study of Intellectual Property Value Evaluation in Foreign Countries" in the Project for International Comparative Research on Industrial Property Systems for FY 2017
Public Service
Yoshifumi Onodera became the member of the Intellectual Property Laws Advisory Group for "Legal and Judicial Development Assistance Project" in Myanmar, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Yoshifumi Onodera:Seminars

Oct. 17, 2023 - Oct. 19, 2023External Seminars
"Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/TOKYO2023-JSIP2023~IP Dispute Resolution in Asia~"
Sep. 7, 2023External Seminars
"IBA Conference 'Metaverse; Artificial Intelligence; and Web3.0 Technology' "
Oct. 31, 2022External Seminars
”IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022 『Around the tables: a taste of hot topics in the Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Section』”

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Yoshifumi Onodera:Publications

"Generative AI and Intellectual Property / Personal Information Q&A"
"Chambers Global Practice Guides Data Protection & Privacy 2024 - Japan Chapter"
"Chambers Global Practice Guides Cybersecurity 2024 - Japan Chapter"

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Yoshifumi Onodera:Research Reports

Yoshifumi Onodera:Other


  • The University of Tokyo (B.S., 1998)
  • Joined Mori Sogo Law Offices (currently: Mori Hamada & Matsumoto) (2000)
  • became partner of the firm (2008)
  • Chief Representative of Beijing Office, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (2014-2020)
  • Executive Director and General Manager, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Intellectual Property Co., Ltd. (2020-)

Major Activities

  • Member of Intellectual Property Center Committee, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (International PT)
  • Member of International Bar Association (IBA), Officer of the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
  • Member of Japan Association of Industrial Property Law
  • Member of AIPPI
  • Member of INTA
  • Member of the Licensing Executives Society Japan
  • Member of the Intellectual Property Laws Advisory Group for "Legal and Judicial Development Assistance Project" in Myanmar, Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • Advisor for Damage from Counterfeit Products, Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation
  • Visiting Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University Law School (2007-2015)
  • Member of Research Group on Intellectual Property Enforcement Strategies in Emerging Countries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2013-2014)
  • IPR Expert Advisor, Tokyo Customs (2014-2019)
  • Member of Working Group on "Research and Study of Intellectual Property Value Evaluation in Foreign Countries" in the Project for International Comparative Research on Industrial Property Systems for FY 2017, Japan Patent Office (2017-)

Bar Admissions

admitted in Japan, 2000
Daini Tokyo Bar Association
American Bar Association